
Supporting image for Steve

Steve came to Yorkshire Smokefree, after feeling ready to quit after smoking on and off for over 50 years. He took the time to speak to us following accessing our services.

I started smoking round about the age of 13 – it was a normal thing back then and all my friends were doing it. My habit slowly turned into smoking over 20 cigarettes a day.

The time finally came when I said ‘enough was enough’, for the sake of my health I knew I needed to quit.  I was tired of feeling like a second-class citizen so reached out to Yorkshire Smokefree where I received one-to-one support from a Cessation Adviser and started vaping to cut back on tobacco.

I’m now proud to say that I am smoke free thanks to the help of the team at Yorkshire Smokefree in Barnsley. If there was one thing I would say to my 13 year old self all those years ago, it would be “don’t be stupid!”. Peer pressure isn’t worth a 50 year habit.

If you would like support in quitting smoking, follow the link to register your details and arrange a callback from one of our advisers today at