
Supporting image for Michelle

What was your main reason for stopping smoking?

Sick of making sure I had my cigs and lighter with me everytime I went out. My health wasn't very good, I have asthma and I was wheezing and out of breath. I had to use my inhaler all the time and knew I needed to stop smoking and I needed some help.

Have you stopped smoking previously?

Yes, stopped for a few years and did it all by myself, it was hard.

Before your first appointment, did you believe you would be successful?

I wasn't 100% sure I would be successful as when I stopped smoking last time I did it on my own and it was hard. This time my health was scaring me and it took me weeks to fully decide to give it a go. Needed to give it my best shot.

Did you use stop smoking medication to help you quit and what did you use?

I used patches and tried other products too but I found the patches alone to be the best for me.

How helpful did you find this?

Yes, very helpful!

Apart from medication, what else helped you to quit and stay smokefree?

Once I noticed that my health had improved and receiving the weekly support from Sarah my advisor, this helped keep me on track.

What do you like the most about being a non-smoker/quit?

I like that the stains have gone from my teeth, and there is no smell of stale smoke on my hair and clothes anymore.

Has your health improved since your quit and if so, in what ways?

I have noticed improvement with my health, wheezing has improved, not having to use inhalers as much.

Other than health, have you achieved anything since quitting that you couldn't do whilst smoking?

I can now walk up hills, as a smoker I would really struggle and get heart palpitations. This doesn't happens now. I also felt sluggish before but now feel I have viality.

What have you found helpful whilst accessing Yorkshire Smokefree service?

The weekly telephone calls and motivation SMS messages from the service have been brilliant. They have me that boost and to carry on.

A quote from the client:

"Hello people, if you are wanting to quit smoking then my advice would be to try NHS Yorkshire Smokefree, they are brilliant. You get what products would be suited best to you, and you will receive a call from one of the lovely people who work for them, every week. I had a lady called Sarah. She has been so supportive and helpful. I really appreciate all the help I have received on my journey, and am proud to say I did it! I am finally free from smoking and I feel so much healthier and happy with the new me.  It's great not having to check I have cigarettes and a lighter every time I go out, and my clothes smell fresh instead of stale smoke. I wish someone would have told me when I was younger just how much smoking takes away from you, and what impact it would have on my health, I would have never touched one. So please, if you want a better life, join Smokefree Barnsley, I promise you will be glad you did. Enjoy a smokefree life, and I know I will from now on. Good luck! If I can do it anyone can. Thank you NHS Smokefree Barnsley."