
Supporting image for Mena

Mena reached out to Yorkshire Smokefree after her husband successfully quit with the service a couple of years prior. After being 12 weeks smoke free, in her own words, she shares her story with us:

My name is Mena. I have been smoking for the last 15 years and was finding it hard to quit smoking on my own. I decided to quit smoking because due to many reasons – amongst these, the most important one was my husband.

He quit smoking two years ago with the support of Yorkshire Smokefree and is still a non-smoker, he recommended I speak to Renuka, one of the brilliant advisers based in Calderdale.

Since quitting he is happy, healthy and fit. He said that I smelt after smoking and it made him feel sick, moreover my kids didn't like it at all. I’ll be honest, the risks and health issues associated with smoking scared me too.

So finally, I quit smoking three months ago with Renuka’s help. I feel great, fresh and happy now! My stamina has increased and now I can play with my kids and don’t feel tired like I used to – I am so proud of myself.

The journey to stopping smoking was not easy but my husband and my adviser Renuka supported me all the time. She helped keep me motivated to carry on until I reached my goals, in all her sessions she was very positive and encouraging. I think without her support it would not have been possible for me to quit smoking on my own. I want to give Renuka a BIG thank you for all her tremendous support and motivation, I’d also like to thank the service for giving me this opportunity.

If you feel inspired by Mena's story and would like support in quitting smoking, register for a Callback Request today.