What was your reason for stopping smoking?
I wanted to stop smoking for my health, and it was too costly.
Have you stopped smoking previously?
No, I have been smoking for 55 years and this was my first attempt.
Before your first appointment, did you believe you would be successful?
Not at all!
Did you use stop smoking medication to help you quit?
No I didn't use medication, I just used the vape.
Apart from the vape, what else helped you to quit and stay smokefree?
The vape was brilliant and seeing how much money I was saving was great.
What do you like the most about being a non-smoker/quit?
Just everything! My flat smells nicer now and I have more money in my pocket.
Has your health improved since your quit and if so, in what ways?
Yes it has. My breathing is so much better.
Other than health, have you achieved anything since quitting that you couldn't do whilst smoking?
I just feel so much better about myself, my clothes no longer smell of tobacco or have nicotine stains. I feel great!
What have you found helpful whilst accessing Yorkshire Smokefree service?
The motivational text messages are really helpful and kept me going. Thank you for all your support.