John Hall

Supporting image for John Hall

What was your reason(s) for accessing the Stop Smoking Service?

Client tried to quit alone but found he couldn’t, needed to stop for health reasons and money

Did you believe you could achieve quitting smoking?

He felt it was a 50/50 chance, definitely wanted to quit but had been smoking 50-60 a day and smoking for almost 60 years.

What products did you use to aid you? Dual therapy? And how helpful did you find them?

Used patches and gum, this dual therapy was a good combination for client

As well as medication, did anything else help you to stop smoking and stay smokefree?

Support from those around him but having Jane my advisor call me every week also really helped as I didn’t want to let her down

Did you use Client Zone or the Yorkshire Smokefree Website?

Unfortunately cannot access online or gadgets as has essential tremors

Have you noticed any changes in your health since you quit?

His food tastes better, has more energy, feels healthier and no longer smells, his COPD feels much better, stopping has definitely helped

How about any achievements that you couldn’t have gained before you stopped smoking?

Has bought some wall paper and paint to decorate to get rid of the smell of smoke, is going to have a go at doing it himself, something he could never have thought about doing before.

How did you access the service?   

Via the Telephone.