
Supporting image for Gareth

What were your reasons for stopping smoking?
Financial and health.

Have you stopped smoking previously?
I have, but during stressful times, I reverted back to smoking.

Before your first appointment, did you believe you would be successful?

Did you use stop smoking medication to help you quit and what did you use?
Patches and gum.

How helpful did you find this?
Really useful because in the past I never thought to combine the patch and gum. That’s what swung the balance in my favour. Previous attempts were just gum.

Apart from medication, what else helped you to quit and stay smoke-free?
Leading a healthier lifestyle by going walking. As a smoker, walking uphill was a big challenge.

What do you like the most about being a non-smoker?
The financial benefits.

Has your health improved since your quit and if so, in what ways?
Better sense of taste and smell.

What have you found helpful whilst accessing the Yorkshire Smokefree service?
Access to the service has given me the motivation to stay with the programme and stay quit.

Could you give us a quote about your experience of becoming smoke-free that may help others to take the same step?
“I’m proud of what I have done. I marched up a hill and wasn’t out of breath. I felt good about myself. I promote the service to other people because of how much it has helped me."