
Supporting image for Craig

Craig was keen to start the next chapter of his life and didn't want smoking to be a part of it! In his own words, hear what he has to say:

Having started smoking at the age of 15 with peers from school I have now been smoking for 26 years. Smoking up to 25 per day I decided I needed to stop and for the sake of my health, fitness and finance and buying a house the time was right to QUIT now.

I attended one-to-one appointments with Yorkshire Smokefree and they provided me with excellent support, I managed to quit with their support plus a prescription of Champix. I found all the staff very supportive and that changing my routine was a big help too, both were major factors in helping me quit and stay smoke free.

Since stopping smoking, I can already see the benefits, I breathe easier and have so much more energy. I have saved money and even have money left over at the end of each month, something that never happened when I was a smoker, this is what I love about not smoking! All the money I used to spend on cigarettes is now going towards me buying a house and paying for all the fees involved!

If I could back in time to my younger years, I would definitely be telling myself to put that first cigarette out!

If you feel inspired by Craig's story and would like support in quitting smoking, register for a Callback Request today.