Yorkshire Smokefree Rotherham working with Electric Vape for Stoptober

Published at 19 October, 2017 00:00.

Supporting image for Yorkshire Smokefree Rotherham working with Electric Vape for Stoptober

This Stoptober Public Health England is encouraging local stop smoking services to work with specialist e-cigarette retailers to join the most effective quitting method with the most popular to maximise smokers chances of success.

Yorkshire Smokefree Rotherham is working with a local e-cigarette retailer and IBVTA member Electric Vape, pictured are Andrew from Electric Vape in Rotherham Market and Jacqui Reddick, Team Leader YSF Rotherham.

doncaster stop smoking

Jacqui Reddick said "we're really pleased to be working with Andrew. Many people use e-cigs to help them quit,  so we'd like these people to come and get some support from Yorkshire Smokefree to give them the best chance of quitting, especially those who have used other methods and failed. I think people don't realise they can do this, so Stoptober is a great opportunity to raise awareness of this issue".