Yorkshire Smokefree Region Beats Nationwide Average For Successful Quits

Published at 13 March, 2018 00:00.

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The annual report published by NHS Digital presents results from the monitoring of the NHS Stop Smoking Services in England during the period April 2017 to September 2017. Included within this report are the local areas covered by Yorkshire Smokefree and we are delighted to reveal the results.

The stats that show that for the April-Sep 17 quarter, the Yorkshire and Humber Region had the HIGHEST proportion of successful quitters (58%) of all the regions in England.

When we delve deeper and look at the areas covered by Yorkshire Smokefree (Barnsley, Calderdale, Doncaster, Rotherham, Sheffield, Wakefield) we can reveal the following:


  • 5,939 people that set a quit date with the service
  • 3,551 of them were successful quitters


This means that Yorkshire Smokefree has an overall quit rate of 60% which is even higher than the overall quit rate for Yorkshire and Humber.


We are delighted to achieve above average quit numbers and are passionate about helping as many smokers as we can to finally quit for good.

NHS Stop Smoking Services like ours offer support to help people quit smoking. This can include intensive support through group therapy or one-to-one support. The support is designed to be widely accessible within the local community and is provided by trained personnel, such as specialist smoking cessation advisors and trained nurses and pharmacists.


successful quit rates