Stoptober 2017- Everything you need to know

Published at 05 September, 2017 00:00.

Supporting image for Stoptober 2017- Everything you need to know

As we’re approaching the autumn months, it’s almost time to start our biggest event of the year- Stoptober!

Stoptober is a 28-day long event run each October during where you are encouraged to stop smoking with the help of Yorkshire Smokefree! Pledge for a smoke-free month and reap the benefits!

In preparation for this event, we’ve gathered a list of 5 questions you may be asking before you commit.

Why Stoptober?

Yorkshire Smokefree offers a range of support which is available throughout the year no matter what the situation. During the month of October, we strive for you to stop as a community. At this time, thousands of other smokers will all be stopping together to help you feel even more supported in the process. We can guarantee you won’t be alone in stopping and there will support available from peers and professionals whenever and if ever you need it.

What if I start smoking after the 28 days?

If you manage to quit for the full length of Stoptober, you are FIVE TIMES more likely to quit for good. This means you won’t have to stress too much about wanting to start again. If the urge arises, Yorkshire Smokefree will be on hand to help you get through those cravings. Ask yourself if you really want to be a smoker again. You CAN do it.

How will Stoptober affect my health?

Throughout the 28 days, your health will improve greatly. Your pulse rate will return to normal; your blood pressure and lungs will show great improvement; no nicotine or carbon monoxide will be found in your blood and oxygen levels will return to normal; your taste and smell will greatly improve; breathing will become easier and your circulation will greatly improve. To find out more about how your health will pick up, click here.

How much will I save in the 28 days?

On average, a smoker will save around £250 throughout the 28 days. That £250 could soon turn into £3000 if you carried on for the rest of the year. To find out exactly how much you’d save, use our cost calculator here.

What support is available to me?

We can help in lots of different ways depending on your preference and what’s available in your area. We offer telephone supportface to face sessions, and our unique online quit program. Throughout Stoptober, we will be available for professional advice along with advice from other smokers. To find out what’s available for you, contact us on 0800 612 0011 for landlines or 0330 660 1166 for mobile.