5 Minute Coffee Break - Get Ready to Quit

Published at 04 January, 2023 15:30.

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Being ready and feeling prepared before you make a start will give you an advantage. Firstly, think about why you want to stop smoking. Motivations to quit are a key factor which will help your quit attempt and you can refer to these when you may be struggling. It could be your health, your wealth, or your family. What is your end goal and what do you want to achieve by stopping smoking? It might be a baby, a holiday, cash in the bank or an operation that you need to have, even to sleep better or to increase your fitness level. Whatever your reasons or goals write them down and stick it on the fridge where you will be reminded of them every day, keeping you motivated and on track. There is always a good reason to quit smoking. What will you gain?

Think about who will be in your support network whilst you are quitting and who you can rely on to encourage you and help you if you are struggling. How might you react if a friend offers you a cigarette. Think now about how you will react and practice saying, “No thanks, I don`t smoke anymore”. You may seek support from your local Stop Smoking Service as well as family and friends

 List the reasons why you smoke. This may seem an odd question to ask yourself and one you may not have thought about before. Often the reasons you started smoking in the first place are not relevant to you today. Your reasons to smoke may help you avoid certain situations or enable you to understand your triggers to smoke. Being aware of your triggers can help you plan for when they happen and help you choose not to smoke instead. Do something different that you may not have thought of before. This new way of thinking can inspire you to try a new hobby, read more, get more exercise, or may be even take some cooking classes which may come in handy when you try out new foods as your taste buds improve when you stop smoking. Impress your friends and family with your new skills

Anticipate challenges before they happen such as withdrawal symptoms, cravings to smoke and triggers. Cravings can be intense, but usually short lasting. Prepare now and make a list of what you can do when you experience a craving. Everyone is different and for you it may be an activity like going for a walk, having a drink of water, or having a mint or some chewing gum.  Pick a quit date and stick to it. Remove any left-over tobacco or cigarettes, ash trays, lighters or matches. If you smoke in your car, give it a clean and treat yourself to a new air freshener. If you are using nicotine replacement products have them ready and in easy reach. Have a look at our smoke free calculator and see how much money you will be saving Yorkshire Smokefree

Think about how you will reward yourself at each step of your smoke free journey. It may be something simple like a gold star on the calendar, a new air freshener for your car or your favourite meal made by someone else!

If you are preparing to quit this January have a look at some success stories which may inspire and motivate you to start your own journey to a successful quit Success Stories - Yorkshire Smokefree

Plan, prepare and GET READY TO QUIT!