
Supporting image for Hazel

Hazel had been smoking for 40 years before she reached out to the Yorkshire Smokefree team in Sheffield. She’s now proud to call herself and ex-smoker, having completed our 12 week quit programme. Here’s what she had to tell us about her experience of using the service.

I’ve been smoking for 40 years and I had a breathing test for COPD to check my lung capacity. I was told that my lungs were 76 old, based on how they are working. That really scared me! In the same consultation I was also told that I have borderline COPD. These 2 diagnoses, along with wanting to be healthy for my son, were what motivated me to stop smoking.

I had previously managed to quit smoking when I was pregnant. Through both pregnancies I avoided tobacco but I found myself returning to smoking once my children were born. I really did not think I would be able to stop smoking when I first came in to the Yorkshire Smokefree service and at my first appointment I thought there was no chance I would be successful.

I talked through the range of stop smoking medication available to me with my advisor before deciding that I would like to try switching to a vape. I had previously tried to quit using an inhalator, but missed the smoke and the ritual of inhaling and exhaling smoke, so we thought that a vape would be a better option.

sheffield success stories

In addition to using the vape I attended group sessions with Yorkshire Smokefree Sheffield and I found these weekly meetings to be really useful and supportive. During these weekly meet ups I would blow into the CO monitor and it was really encouraging to see the carbon monoxide levels dropping every week.

Now, after 12 weeks without a cigarette I feel a lot healthier. My breathing is better, I don’t smell horrible and I’ve got more money in my pocket! I’ve also noticed an improvement in my skin. In terms of my health my asthma has improved and I really have noticed that I don’t wheeze as much as I did when I smoked. I feel like I’ve got loads more energy too! I can even walk up my hill now without getting out of breath!

Hazel recommends our service to ANYONE who wants to quit smoking for good. She told us that the group sessions and supportive network really helped her to achieve her 12 week quit and she's  now a smokefree champion!

Well done Hazel! Your Sheffield team are proud of you! Keep up the hard work and enjoy the benefits a smoke-free life brings.