
Supporting image for Jake

What was your reasons stop smoking?
I stopped smoking for health reasons, and I thought it would be more adventurous being smoke free. I also decided at this point to stop drinking and taking drugs, really turning my life around. It was a big change and I got support from some other services at the same time. Stopping smoking was the trigger to looking at other aspects of my life and improving them. My life is now completely different, for the better and I haven't looked back.

Have you stopped smoking previously? 
I have tried to stop smoking before and it hasn't worked, and didn't follow through with it all. I just wasn't in the right mindset. I don't think I really wanted to stop before. This time I really wanted to stop had the right frame of mind and was more determined to do it. 

Before your first appointment, did you believe you would be successful?
I knew my quit this time would be different. I kind of had it in my head that I would do it this time from the start. I was more positive about it and had more motivation this time. 

Did you use stop smoking medication to help you quit?
I just used the vapes to quit smoking this time and found that they worked really well. I used it as and when I needed it, thankfully I didn't need to use it all the time. I started with the 20mg liquid, have some lower strength and then use a higher strength when I needed to. I just managed it as and when I needed too. I found it a really good option to quit smoking with, as I've got something in my hand and I'm still using it when I need to smoke. More like for like than anything I've ever seen before, they're really good. 

How helpful did you find them?
I found the vape extremely helpful. I think my brain is just used to having something there, to hold in my hand. I definitely think that the vape is more like for like and worked better than anything else. 

Apart from medication, what else helped you to quit and stay smoke free?
I think I remained smoke free through determination and discipline. I have really turned my life around completely - quitting smoking was the start and let to some really positive changes. I joined a gym an found that they were really supportive when I joined, keeping me active and busy. I had support from the security firm that I joined, they helped me find work and became like a family, making my journey to stop smoking, drinking, and taking drugs much easier. They gave me a focus and something to be proud of. I also stayed with a bedsit, and they again kept me on track with everything and really looked after me.

What do you like the most about being a non-smoker/quit?
Since being a non-smoker I am feeling healthier and freer, the fact that I'm not feeling the need to constantly have a cigarette in my hand all the time. I've found that it has led to some really positive changes in my life. 

Has your health improved since your quit and if so, in what ways?
Since stopping smoking, my cardiovascular system has very much improved. Before I was smoking, drinking and taking drugs, which was masking other health issues. Since quitting all these things, I have had progression with a diagnosis of MS, smoking and other things has hindered the progress with this. Knowing I ave more of a handle on things is even improving my mental health, I've got so much good going on for me now. 

Other than health, have you achieved anything since quitting that you couldn't do whilst smoking?
I have managed to quit drugs and alcohol. I am clean living and making some really positive changes to life in general, such as fitness, training for a career, and doing things that make me happy. I am going to be training for the following: gym instructor, close protection, tattoo artist and construction. This is really keeping me busy in a positive way. I've also just got a new flat, which I am really excited about, and a new bike!

What have you found helpful whilst accessing Yorkshire Smokefree service?
The team - Beth has been absolutely amazing. Lots of support in place and couldn't have quit without her. It's so nice to be able to talk through things with someone and have them listen with no judgment. People really need that to stay on track.

Other things outside of YSF that have helped me have been the security team I've been volunteering with (Tripoint Security Services) have got me back into work and been like a family. Venue is Hagglers Corner where I have been mainly working - they have given me food, supported me whenever I've needed it and just helped me in every way they possibly could. Gym (Tythe Barn, Woodhouse) kept me active and busy, really motivated me and inspired me to train up and become an instructor myself. Hostel (St Anne's Community Service) Staff were amazing here, providing support and encouragement at all times. Really want to thank these other places also for the help and support they provided.