
Supporting image for Hayley

Hayley talks about her surprise at how easy she found it to quit smoking with the support of the Wakefield Stop Smoking Service

When I was first recommended to the Wakefield stop smoking service, I wasn’t sure I was ready to give up. I’d recently found out that I was expecting my first baby and the changes that come with that can be daunting.

 I’m thirty-two years old and I had smoked since I was a young teenager. In all honesty I enjoyed smoking – it was my ‘go-to’ in most stressful situations and obviously a very addictive habit. Part of me couldn’t see how they would be able to help me quit.

I started off on nicotine replacement patches with the sight of lowering the dose in time and eventually stopping using them. I had a consultation with a lovely advisor, from the Wakefield Stop Smoking Service called Gillian. I couldn’t believe how understanding they were at times when I felt I couldn’t give up.

Within a few weeks I had completely stopped smoking and stopped wearing patches, I just began to lose the sensation of wanting a cigarette. Also, the added bonus of knowing I was keeping my unborn baby safe made the whole thing worth it.

With the added help of weekly discussions with my advisor, I actually didn’t find it anywhere near as hard as I thought I would to give up.

The support I have received throughout my pregnancy has helped me so much, it’s much more than just a stop smoking service. I would urge any newly pregnant mum or even if your further along, it’s never too late to consider giving up, to give it at least a try.

From someone who smoked a pack of twenty a day, I never thought I’d be capable of giving up. I thank the service tremendously for everything they have done for me and my little girl. 

“I would urge any newly pregnant mum or even if your further along, it’s never too late to consider giving up, to give it at least a try.”