
Supporting image for Denise

Denise decided to quit smoking for her health and finances and found that the lockdown kick started her quit. With the help of her determination and patches, she achieved her 4 weeks smoke-free.

What was your main reason for accessing the service?

My health and finances were the main reasons that I quit.

Did you believe you could achieve 4 weeks Smokefree?

I was determined to quit, my health was deteriorating.

Have you used stop smoking medication to help you quit?

Yes, I used patches, they really worked.

How helpful did you find it?

The patches quelled my cravings, allowing me to become a non-smoker.

Apart from medication, what else helped you to quit and stay smoke-free?

The support and encouragement I got from Hub team, I couldn't have done it without them.

Did you visit the Yorkshire Smoke-free Webpage?

No, I have not got a computer.

Has your health improved since you quit and if so, in what ways?

My breathing is so much better, and my energy level, has also improved. The veins in my legs don't ache any where near as much, and are not as prominent.

Other than health, have you achieved anything since quitting that you couldn't do whilst smoking?

Yes, I haved saved money.

Has the current lockdwon helped with your quit or has this made quitting harder?

The lockdown maybe kick started my quit, however I was determined and needed to quit.

What have you found helpful accessing the service via the Telephone?

The convenience of not having to travel to a clinic, and appointments that suited me.