
Supporting image for Carol

The main reason I accessed the service was for my health and financial as well. I did not believe I could achieve 4 weeks smokefree, following on from my husband accessing the service and stopping smoking, this gave me the encouragement to try stopping and I have done it too.

I stopped smoking with patches and the inhalator, they really worked for me, it was really helpful.

Apart from medication, I found different things to keep my mind busy, like crossword puzzles. The calls from my stop smoking advisor Sarah and the staff has been amazing. I really liked the daily text from the service too. It really is a very good service.

I visited the Yorkshire Smokefree webpage before my quit.

My health has improved since I quit, I am no longer coughing as much and my breathing is much better. Other than health, I have much more energy since quitting.

I found the service was very easy to access, I have had no problems at all. If I needed to speak to someone, I knew they would be there for me.

If you're wanting to quit, I would say “Just pick up the phone, there is somebody to help you and give good advice” .