
Supporting image for Anna

What was your reason for stopping smoking?
I needed to stop for my health. I have heart disease and asthma, and I knew I needed to stop.

Have you stopped smoking previously?
I have, many years ago.

Before your first appointment, did you believe you would be successful?
I did this time because I knew I had the support of my partner.

Did you use stop smoking medication to help you quit?
I used the vape scheme.

How helpful did you find it?
Very helpful!

Apart from medication, what else helped you to quit and stay smokefree?
My partner's support and the fact that I was more determined this time really made a difference.

What do you like the most about being a non-smoker?
I feel so much healthier now. My asthma has improved a lot, which is great. I don't smell of cigarettes anymore, and I've said goodbye to ashtrays!

Has your health improved since you quit? If so, in what ways?
It has improved. I feel fitter, and, as I mentioned, my asthma has gotten better.

Other than health, have you achieved anything since quitting that you couldn\u2019t do whilst smoking?
Just being fitter overall has been a huge improvement for me.

What have you found helpful while accessing Yorkshire Smokefree services?
The regular contact has been great. Knowing I can go into Mirage when needed has been a real help too. The fortnightly phone calls from the service have also been incredibly supportive.