
Supporting image for Julie

Let Julie's* story inspire you! We did a quick Q&A with our client in Sheffield and here's what she told us about her stop smoking journey with Yorkshire Smokefree:

Q. What was your reasons for stopping smoking?

I was admitted to the hospital after a fall down the stairs. I tried healing myself at first but the pain got worse and had to ring for an ambulance. The pain has kept my mind off smoking and was not bothered about it, however, I was seen by the tobacco treatment team, and they offered me some patches and the inhalator. It was a good way for me to begin the journey. Because of all this pain following the stress at the hospital and pain it never bothered me after I left. I have grandchildren and I want to live a healthy happy life.

Q. Have you stopped smoking previously?

I did. I stopped for 3.5years but then something happened to my son, and I started smoking again.

Q. Before your first appointment, did you believe you would be successful?

Yes, I was open minded. I had a lot going on and I did not think about smoking even before the start of my programme. I was too busy to try and combat pain.

Q. Did you use stop smoking medication to help you quit?

I used the patches and inhalator, however, I did not like it, so I have made a switch to a vape.

Q. How helpful did you find them?

The vape is really good and a good tool to distract me from smoking and gives me something to do with my hands.

Q. What do you like the most about been a non-smoker?

I feel better and don’t cough anymore. Everything smells fresh. If I go out and someone is smoking, it puts me off and I don’t like it anymore.

Q. Has your health improved since your quit and if so, in what ways?

My breathing is better, and my clothes and house no longer smell of smoke.

Q. Other than health, have you achieved anything since quitting that you couldn’t do whilst smoking?

I can’t do a lot due to my pain, however, I feel like I have a lot more time and do more tasks. I also save myself some money. I used to smoke roll ups but that was still expensive. I also stopped my glass of wine so also save myself money on that.

Q. What have you found helpful whilst accessing Sheffield Smokefree service?

A reminder that you are doing good by having regular calls and text messages. There is no pressure. Motivation text messages are helpful.

Julie, you are an inspiration! On behalf of the entire team in Sheffield we congratulate you on your quit. Keep up the hard work!


* Stock image for illustration purposes only.