
Supporting image for Linda

Congratulations to Barnsley resident Linda who has successfully completed her cessation journey with Yorkshire Smokefree; we spoke to her following this accomplishment.

Around 45 years ago, at the age of just 14, Linda lit up her first cigarette. She wasn’t sure why she started smoking, but her habit soon turned into smoking over 20 cigarettes every day.

Linda contacted Yorkshire Smokefree as she knew the time was right to quit and she didn’t enjoy smoking anymore. She accessed one-to-one support at her local Barnsley clinic and received a free prescription of Champix to help subside her cravings throughout the day.

We asked Linda how she felt since quitting cigarettes, to which she said, “My skin is better, my breathing is better, and I can walk up hills without getting out of breath.” Her favourite thing about no longer smoking is not having to take breaks outside in the cold, miserable weather and that her clothes no longer smell of smoke.

Linda wanted to pass on advice to anyone who has recently started smoking, “Don’t do it, you will smell, not be able to taste properly and have continuous breathing problems.”

If you feel inspired by Linda's story and would like support in quitting smoking, register for a Callback Request today.