
Karen's Success Story

Congratulations to Karen for successfully kicking the habit during the lockdown, boosting her health and saving money with the support and guidance of Yorkshire Smokefree. We chatted to her about her experiences with us. 

How old were you when you started smoking and how long did you smoke for?

I was at school when I started smoking, I was 15. I smoked for around 30-40 years. 

Do you remember why you started smoking?

Loads of other people at school were and I wanted to join in.

How many cigarettes per day were you smoking on average?

Around 16-20.

What were your reasons for quitting?

I quit for my health and for my family. 

Have you used medication to help you quit?

Yes, I used champix. I found them really useful and really helped to stop my cravings. 

Asif from products, what else helped you to quit and stay smoke free?

My telephone support with my advisor Jean has been wonderful, and I could not have done it without her. 

Has your health improved since you quit and if so, in what ways? 

Yes, my breathing has significantly improved. 

Have you achieved anything since quitting that you couldn't do whilst you were smoking?

Yes! Due to having more money I recently bought a new hoover after my dog chewed through the wire of my old one.

What do you like about NOT smoking? 

I feel like I have my life back, more money and I have a really nice house. 

Do you have any plans with the money you've saved from quitting?

I've bought a new tent! I can't wait to get away now.

What would you say to anyone who has recently started smoking, or if you could go back in time, what would you tell your younger self before you started smoking?

You can quit, it's the right state of mind. If I can do it anyone can.


If you feel inspired to by Karen’s story and would like support in quitting, click the link to register for a Callback Request from our team today.

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