
Congratulations to John on his successful stop smoking journey, after years of smoking he didn't believe he could achieve becoming smokefree but with the support of his Yorkshire Smokefree advisor, he succeeded! 

What was your main reason for accessing the service?

Health reasons, my wife has tried to give up so I tried as well

Did you believe you could achieve 4 weeks smokefree?

No I didn't, but I managed it and did so well

Have you used stop smoking medication to help you quit?

Yes I did, I found it very helpful and it made it easier to stop smoking

Apart from medication, what else helped you to quit and stay smokefree?


Did you visit the Yorkshire Smokefree Webpage?

No, I don't have internet

Has your health improved since you quit and if so, in what ways?

Yes, my health improved like lots of conditions and its better

Other than health, have you achieved anything since quitting that you couldn't do whilst smoking?

I saved money and spent it on other things

Has the current lockdown helped with your quit or has this made quitting harder?

I found it harder to stop smoking because of lockdown but easier to quit because of the telephone appointments

What have you found helpful accessing the service via the Telephone?

It's better than going to the meetings so don't need to travel

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