
Supporting image for Arthur

Arthur had been a smoker for years, but he knew it was time for a change. His motivation? A desire to improve his health and prepare for his upcoming wedding. Like many smokers, he had doubts about whether he could quit, but with the right support, he proved himself wrong.

To help him on his journey, Arthur used Nicorette gum alongside his sheer willpower. While the gum provided some support, he credits much of his success to his determination and the expert guidance of his Smokefree Sheffield advisor, Kefaya.

Since quitting, Arthur has noticed a huge difference in his health—no more persistent coughing—and he’s also felt the impact financially. With the money saved from not buying cigarettes, he was able to treat himself to a well-deserved holiday.

When asked about the best part of being a non-smoker, Arthur didn’t hesitate: “The price.” Quitting has not only freed him from the cost of smoking but has also given him a healthier future to look forward to.

Arthur’s journey is proof that with the right mindset and support, a smokefree life is possible. If you’re thinking about quitting, Yorkshire Smokefree is here to help—just like they did for Arthur.