
Supporting image for Ann

Ann was recommended by her pharmacist at Hatfield Health Centre in Doncaster to join Yorkshire Smokefree. We spoke with Ann following her completing treatment – hopefully you will be inspired by her story to start your own tobacco-free journey today.


Tell us about your experience of health issues that meant you needed our Yorkshire Smokefree services.

I had a stroke affecting the right-hand side of my body and felt that smoking, especially in a morning, made my right side feel heavy and uncomfortable.


How has stopping smoking affected your life?

Since stopping smoking, I am in a better mood. I don’t smell anymore or feel like an alien around my friends. My house feels cleaner and I feel really happy. I feel better about myself – I now have some self-worth.


What has the reaction of the Yorkshire Smokefree team been to your situation?

Staff have been supportive from the beginning, and I really liked the text message updates.


What did you find most difficult? And how did you overcome it?

I had a few cravings but apart from that I’ve had no difficulties – this course is magic.


What health benefits/improvements in your life have you had since stopping smoking?

Before I stopped smoking, I felt so low; to the point that I was going to see my Doctor about swapping my anti-depressants. But now I’m not smoking I feel so happy and positive I don’t need the GP.


Is there anything trust services could have done differently or better for you?

My experience throughout has been positive.


Has anything helped you through your problems? Can you tell us more about this?

Attending weekly support sessions was great plus I have good friends and a family who are proud of me – even my hairdresser is proud of me!


If you feel inspired by Ann’s story and would like support in stopping smoking, register for a call back at: